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La peinture de Joséphine Wall

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J'ai envie de vous faire découvrir la peinture de Joséphine Wall...

Joséphine Wall est une artiste anglaise influencée par le surréalisme de peintres tels Magritte ou Dali et le romantisme de préraphaëlites. Elle explore l'univers magique et s'inspire de la nature...


The Spirit of Flight

The Spirit of Flight, the force responsible for the powers of movement of the wind and air, has gathered around her all the flying things she loves. Birds, insects, flying fish, swirling leaves, seeds of dandelions and sycamore trees, butterflies and fairies all dance around her in a grand array of wild free motion.


Prelude to a Kiss

That 'magic' moment! - the frozen frame in time, savouring the powerful emotion of that first kiss. As their lips move ever closer they can feel the electricity in the air as they approach the blending of their two minds and spirits.Their thoughts and pulses race as the heavenly conductor leads them to a crescendo in the concerto of love.The enchantment of that moment will last forever.


An Even Smaller World

At the bottom of an enchanted garden, an inquisitive fairy child peeps into a convolvulus flower only to discover a wondrous new world where the inhabitants are even smaller than she. Inside the blossom, the mermaid and woman are immersed in their own little universe, completely unaware of their fairy spectator.Like these enchanted beings, we are living in our own little world within other worlds, and what is large and small ultimately depends on how we look at life.

Pour en voir plus, visitez son site http://www.josephinewall.co.uk/josephine.html

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